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Initialize Pangle SDK

【IMPORTANT】If you need to call the method getBiddingToken, we strongly recommend that you call it in the background thread, and call it in the success()callback after the SDK is initialized successfully

  1. Create object of PAGConfig



-PAGConfig.Builder setChildDirected(int coppa)

Set the configuration of COPPA, 0:adult, 1:child

-PAGConfig.Builder setGDPRConsent(int gdpr)

Set the configuration of GDPR, 0:User doesn't grant consent, 1: User has granted the consent

-PAGConfig.Builder setDoNotSell(int ccpa)

Set the configuration of CCPA, 0: "sale" of personal information is permitted, 1: user has opted out of "sale" of personal information

-PAGConfig.Builder appId(String appId)

Set the APP ID

-PAGConfig.Builder appIcon(int appIconId)

If you use the format of Open Ad, you should set the app's icon

-PAGConfig.Builder supportMultiProcess(boolean supportMultiProcess)

If your app is a multi-process app, set this value to true.

-PAGConfig.Builder setPackageName(String packageName)

If you use the AAB function and configure the SDK to the feature module, you need to set the package name of the feature module. Please use . to separate the base package name and module name. For example, if your base package name is com.test.123 , the module name is 456, then you should fill in to blank, com.test.123.456. Be careful, we only support Configure install-time delivery and Configure conditional delivery, we don't support Configure on-demand delivery.

-PAGConfig.Builder debugLog(boolean debugLog)

Set whether to open log debugging

  1. Initialize the SDK

Cautionary notice: The Pangle Ads SDK or its associated mediation partner SDKs may preload advertisements subsequent to their initialization. It is imperative to obtain consent from users who are under 13 years of age prior to initializing the Pangle Ads SDK.

If you want to change the value of COPPA/GDPR/CCPA after initializing Pangle SDK, you can call the following method, as shown below:

The meaning of PAGConstant value

You also could check the initialization status with the method PAGSdk.isInitSuccess()