Pangle: A global platform dedicated to developer growth.|Knowledge Center
Integration Docs

Appeal Process for Account Suspension or Limitation

Ad filling restriction or suspension and warnings due to violation of the Pangle Supply Policy

If there are reasonable suspicions or evidence of activities violating the terms of the Pangle Supply Policy, we reserve the right to take one or more of the following actions, depending on the severity of the violation, without limiting any other rights available to us. In such instances, we will notify you through the Policy Center, site messages, or email.

  • Temporary suspension or permanent deactivation of your account
  • Temporary suspension or restriction on ad filling for specific accounts, apps or placement IDs
  • Termination of agreement and cessation of service

Upon receiving a notification, please log into the Policy Center for further details. If you disagree with our decision, you can submit an appeal in the Policy Center. Be sure to include the following information in your appeal:

  • A copy of the notice issued by Pangle
  • Account ID and account name
  • App ID, app name, and app download URL or package name (APK/IPA)
  • Placement ID and placement name
  • Any actions taken to address the relevant issue, any further information to explain the issue, and the progress you have made so far

Our notice to you may contain specific recommendations tailored to aid you in the troubleshooting process. Additionally, please take into account the general recommendations below:

  • When investigating the issue, focus on the last 14 days.
  • Thoroughly review the Pangle Supply Policy to ensure compliance with all its terms.
  • Check whether your account has been implicated in any instance of click fraud or other inappropriate behavior, such as displaying out-of-app ads.
  • Carefully review your accounts, apps and placements and check for any suspicious or abnormal activities.
  • App spoofing: You may not be the legal owner of this app/package name. Carefully inspect the package name information.If you spoof the package name a.b.c.d registered by another user on Pangle, this is considered app spoofing.
  • Partial spoofing: Some of the ad traffic generated by this app involves fake package names. Carefully inspect the package name information.

Upon receipt of your feedback, we will conduct a thourough review, consider any supplementary information you furnish. We aim to provide a prompt response, ideally shortly after receiving your appeal. However, for more complex issues, additional time may be necessary for investigation and response. After our investigation, we will reach back out to you, provide a comprehensive explanation of the investigation and its outcome.